2.2.14 5/7/24 ____________________________________ - Updated: 8480 Firmware to 1.0.4 - Improved: FSCV color legend - Improved: Configuration file handling of the notch filter controls - Improved: 8401 Alternative inputs scale range and resolution - Fixed: Config file support for 8401-HS/HR alternate inputs - Fixed: Scaling for 8401-HS alternate inputs - Fixed: Crash if spectral plots displayed for a missing data segment - Added: Whole file statistics in Seizure - Added: Seizure spike counter features - Ignore comment style to ignore data segments Maximal spike duration Variable threshold setting based on whole file statistics Total count display Recording length display - Added: Preamp type parameter for 8206 preamps. - Added: 8401 Alternative input voltage offset control - Removed: 8162, 8163 and 8411 support 2.2.13 3/5/24 ____________________________________ - Improved: DPI scaling for hi-res monitors - Fixed: EDF support in Sleep, Seizure - Added: Keyboard shortcuts for Start/Stop recording - Added: Command line options for automated schedules, experiment configs, and recording file 2.2.12 1/23/24 ____________________________________ - Improved: Consolidation progress bar. - Improved: Heat map autoscaling (scales from zero to lowpass/2). - Improved: Heat map updates on scroll wheel. - Improved: Sleep bout analysis internal structure. - Added: A GMT option for Sleep Analysis. - Added: Whole channel threshold estimate to seizure spike counter. - Added: Mask com ports during device enumeration. - Fixed: Convert mjpg to vpx video format. - Fixed: EDF import was interepreting mV values as uV. - Fixed: Excessive grid lines in 2.2.11. - Fixed: Confusing error message on camera startup. - Fixed: It was possible to hit record before selecting a device. - Fixed: Problem selecting webcams with hex identifiers - Fixed: 8401HR, 8401HS bio sampling rate gui display issue. 2.2.11 12/5/23 ____________________________________ - Improved: Finalized support for the custom 2 EEG, 2 Accelerometer Preamp 2.2.10 11/1/23 ____________________________________ - Improved: Save notch filter settings between settings. - Improved: Notch filter GUI location. - Improved: FSCV GUI sizing. - Improved: FSCV y-axis label resolution. - Improved: Channel sample rate adjust for 8401HS, HR. - Improved: Heat map rendering. - Improved: Bluetooth disconnect. - Improved: FSCV continuous recording. - Improved: Power generation progress bar. - Improved: First segment pvfs block write. - Improved: Sleep scoring of non 10 second epochs - Improved: Reconnection for 8206-HR, 8401-HS, 8401-HR - Improved: Shutdown behavior - Improved: Biosensor Zeroing - Added: List product ID for web cams. - Added: Zero button for the 8206HR. - Added: FSCV subtract background button on live update. - Added: 8401, HS and HR support for 2 EEG 2 Accelerometer preamp. - Fixed: Crash on using 8480 with Sleep Feedback. - Fixed: FSCV stim line not removed on new file open. - Fixed: Startup issue if segment start < recording start. - Fixed: FSCSV live plot active indices. 2.2.9 6/22/23 ____________________________________ - Improved: USB input handling. - Improved: Wireless FSCV interface. - Improved: Sleep feedback user interface. - Improved: Time segmented recording. - Improved: Storage file initialization handling. - Improved: 8401-HR Offset handling. - Improved: Scheduled stop time handling - Improved: Filename will increment on record if file already exists. - Added: Wireless FSCV stimulation support. - Added: Feedback Option to create annotations on sleep rule evaluations. - Added: 50/60 Hz notch filter for the 8206, 8206HR, 8401HS, 8401HR - Fixed: Error when assigning shortcut keys. - Fixed: Sleep feedback crash on delete condition. - Fixed: Edge case video playback failure. - Fixed: Webm export hang on optimize 2.2.8 4/6/23 ____________________________________ - Improved: 8401-HR increased offset measurement time and logged result. - Improved: FSCV viewing of long experiments - Improved: OpenGL handling of plot views in Acquisition and FSCV. - Improved: Changed time stream handling to a per device basis. - Improved: Video force widescreen controls - Improved: Changed video VPX bitrate default to 10,000. - Improved: Shut down handling for the 8274 - Added: 8480 Stimulus control in FSCV - Fixed: 8206HR Output selection GUI handling. - Fixed: Sleep Pro Threshold Time Axis. - Fixed: Sleep Frequency export layout optimized. - Fixed: Video scrolling miscalculation for long files with many framerate changes. - Fixed: Feedback Stim off was not set until the value changed. - Fixed: Selected Seizure power plot was not updating when a new seizure was selected. - Fixed: FSCV 8504N device parameters were not loading properly. - Fixed: Crash on close after loading an experiment from a configuration file. - Fixed: FSCV hide crosshairs would stop other plots from updating. - Fixed: Seizure threshold spike counter time axis. - Firmware: Updated 8206HR to 1.0.4 (Correctly stores current TTL directions). 2.2.7 1/1/2023 ____________________________________ - Added: Seizure Pro Threshold spike counting feature - Added: FSCV Flow cell injection controls - Added: FSCV right click hide/show crosshairs - Added: Aquisition option to log all device communications - Added: Accelerometer preamp gain adjust - Added: FSCV 9085 interface for TTL control. - Added: 9085 as a feedback device - Added: 8274 delay on reconnect - Fixed: Bug that was causing 8206HR channel 3 names in configuration files to improperly load - Improved: 8206HR, 8401HR offset handling - Improved: Time segmented file end time handling - Improved: 8274 reconnect and error handling - Improved: PVFS memory handling - Improved: Saved plot contrast - Improved: Optimized VPX video compression bitrate - Improved: Better last working directory handling - Improved: Experiment load behavior - Improved: Acquisition experiment close behavior - Firmware: Updated 8480-SC to 1.0.3 2.2.6 9/27/2022 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Hypnogram y-axis reset issue - Added: FSCV background range highlight - Improved: 8274 Annotation Synchronization - Improved: FSCV file summary panel - Improved: FSCV 8504N Autoscaling - Improved: FSCV 8504N UI - Improved: FSCV dynamic background subtraction - Improved: 9085 Updated support and UI 2.2.5 5/27/2022 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Bout analysis with small daily intervals - Fixed: FSCV Labview timing/scaling - Added: RF Sniffer feature for 8274 - Added: FSCV Camera streaming - Added: 8504N Support - Added: 9085 New hardware support 2.2.4 3/16/2022 _____________________________________ - Improved: Real-time DFT threading - Improved: Don't allow search for seizures with null features - Added: 8480-SC Feedback support - Added: Force widescreen camera option - Added: FSCV transpose functions - Fixed: Annotations on all channels duplicate on modifying - Fixed: Sleep Pro threshold scoring rules revert to artefact on redraw 2.2.3 2/2/2022 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Device/Experiment Configurations for 8401HR, 8206HR - Fixed: Sleep/Seizure annotation display issue - Improved: MSVCR100 dependency removed - Improved: Stim controls FSCV - Improved: 8480-SC Stimulus Controller GUI - Improved: 8401HR annotation synchronization - Improved: Sleep/Seizure 3D Heatmap update on data scroll - Improved: FSCV active indices filter - Added: Voltammogram export FSCV - Added: UDP connection for third-party hardware in FSCV - Added: 3D color plot in FSCV 2.2.2 9/30/2021 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Coherence crash edge cases - Improved: Threhsold scoring in Sleep Pro optimized - Improved: Bar/pie charts library changed - Improved: Red frame during recording removed - Added: Stim controls for FSCV - Added: Fully customizable score types in Sleep Pro - Added: 8480-SC Stimulus Controller support - Added: Firmware database 2.2.1 5/7/2021 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Coherence in Sleep Pro - Fixed: 8401HR initialization issues - Improved: Analog input on 8401HS/8401HR descriptions - Improved: TSV Scores import header tolerance - Added: Feedback support for 8206 HR - Added: Coherence feature in Seizure Pro 2.2.0 4/19/2021 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Seizure Feedback Crash - Fixed: Power analysis broken for channels with certain non-standard names - Improved: Database write/read speedup - Improved: Qt engine updated - Improved: Heatmaps over longer data window durations - Added: 3D Heatmaps for Sleep, Seizure - Added: Whole channel spectral data export - Added: Accelerator preamp support - Added: 8401 HR support - Added: In-frame timestamps on video feed option - Added: Video timestamps to tsv export - Added: 8401 HS, HR analog input 2.1.6 1/18/2021 _____________________________________ - Fixed: 8401/8401HS bias display for negative values - Fixed: Power analysis crash edge case - Fixed: Duplicate annotations in some export features - Fixed: Hide annotations hides annotation markers, not just comment - Fixed: Enhanced Illuminator clock/firmware version info - Fixed: Real time spectral plot crash on close - Improved: First video frame loaded upon opening time segmented file - Improved: Available power channels update immediately in Sleep, Seizure - Improved: Exported filename suggestions add original filename - Improved: Graphical response optimized in Seizure, Sleep - Added: Summary statistics for on-screen plots/channels - Added: Bluetooth device parameters saved to experiment notes in Acquisition - Added: Export captured video to .webm files. - Added: FSCV front-end to installer - Added: FSCV legacy device support - Added: Third party WebM optimizer 2.1.5 11/17/2020 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Trace selection on plots with multiple traces - Fixed: FFT options plot - Fixed: Connection to 3104 Potentiostat, legacy devices - Fixed: Spectral plot epoch selection idiosyncracies - Fixed: Power data beyond first channel in edge cases - Improved: Box selection past plot edges - Improved: Autoscaling on data with low variance - Added: Single plot multi EEG option - Added: Real time spectral plots - Added: HDCV file support for FSCV 2.1.4 9/30/2020 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Consolidate/Extract correct channels exported when subset of channels selected - Fixed: Experiment database is updated immediately following power analysis - Improved: Marked Seizure window update rate - Added: 8206HR support - Added: 8229 yoked control - Added: Device configuration support for 8229 2.1.3 9/14/2020 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Application hang on connecting to 8229. - Fixed: Pod Device commands sent too quickly during connection process. 2.1.2 9/8/2020 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Pod Devices did not automatically reconnect if connection was lost - Fixed: Sleep, Seizure intermittent crash on closing a file - Improved: Internal handling of USB communication - Added: Coherence on power channels 2.1.1 6/29/2020 _____________________________________ - Fixed: High framerate camera display - Fixed: Plot grid display issues - Fixed: Frame forward/back controls in Seizure - Fixed: Spectral plots for wide time windows - Fixed: Bio plots display issue during recording on device panels - Improved: Seizure Feedback - Improved: 8401/HS Preamp list - Added: Device-agnostic configuration loading - Added: Preamp support: 8406-SL-AXL, 8406-SE-AXL, 8407-SL-AXL, 8407-SE-AXL, 8407-SE3-AXL, 8406-SE4-Ref, 8407-SE4-Ref - Added: 8274_BIO support - Added: Coherence plots - Added: Option to display spectral plots of current time window or current sleep epoch 2.1.0 2/21/2020 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Filter zeroes out when applied - Fixed: Heatmaps crashed when rendering too early in the file - Fixed: Firmware Bootloader re-enabled - Improved: OGIM pulse long duration accuracy - Improved: openGL modernized - Improved: EDF+ default values for animal/device info - Added: Seizure Feedback detection - Added: Opto SE4 Preamp support - Added: Sleep Deprivation annotates on motor stop/start - Added: Intelligent color control for XY tracking exclusion/crop 2.0.8 11/26/2019 _____________________________________ - Removed: Deprecated NiDAQ support - Fixed: Crash on press escape during connection - Fixed: OGIM pulse controls - Fixed: Cluster scoring crashed Sleep on certain systems - Improved: 8274 missed packet handling - Improved: 8274D firmware 8x speedup support - Improved: Save last working directory on file open/save in any front-end - Added: Export real-time streams via UDP 2.0.7 10/1/2019 _____________________________________ - Fixed: 8401HS preamp offset intermittently not set correctly - Improved: 8274 reconnection - Improved: Sleep/Seizure Heatmap - Added: Rat SE31M Preamp configuration support 2.0.6 8/28/2019 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Illuminator, Sleep Dep schedule POD commands - Fixed: Seizure parameter export - Improved: Increased maximum threshold for automatic Sleep scoring - Improved: Speedup of Bout Analysis processing - Improved: WebM compression efficiency on multi camera settings 2.0.5 7/15/2019 _____________________________________ - Added: Movement thresholding for XY tracking - Fixed: Seizure raw/spectral data save - Fixed: Sirenia Diagnostic supports more languages - Improved: Export to TSV faster 2.0.4 5/31/2019 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Seizure/Sleep crash on power generation for time-segmented experiment - Fixed: Close issues in Seizure/Sleep when dialogs are left open - Updated: Exported power calculation uses scientific notation 2.0.3 5/16/2019 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Seizure/Sleep crash on crossing segment boundary in a time-segmented experiment - Fixed: Seizure crash on update old annotations for files with 1-indexed seizure channels - Fixed: FFT filtering issue when actual size of data less than expected minimum - Fixed: 8274 channels EEG1 and EEG2 swapped - Updated: Sleep opens time-segmented experiments - Updated: 8480 outputs always enabled 2.0.2 4/30/2019 _____________________________________ - Added: Experiment configurations - multiple device configuration - Improved: Camera support - Fixed: Sensoray video input icons did not match BNC squid color bands - Fixed: 8401 System sample rate change did not update individual channel sample rates - Fixed: 8274 BIO sample rate inverted on stream reconnection - Updated: Reenabled 8401HS muxed preamp support - Updated: Append device name to stream name 2.0.1 4/1/2019 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Cluster Scoring x-axis crash - Fixed: Sleep Score frequency analysis crash - Fixed: Crash on add device after canceling camera selection dialog 2.0.0 3/26/2019 _____________________________________ - Added: Drag-and-drop file open - Added: Support for single receiver for multiple 8279s - Improved: Updated internal framework - Improved: GUI framework - Improved: Seizure navigation speed - Improved: Stability update for time-segmented recording - Fixed: Power calculation in Sleep Deprivation if low-pass filter used - Fixed: Import sleep scores of non-default epoch size - Fixed: Sleep runs on Windows 7 - Fixed: 8279 crash on close - Updated: Disabled 8401HS muxed preamp support 1.8.4 11/5/2018 _____________________________________ - Added: Support for 8274 Wireless Mouse EEG - Added: Seizure navigation GUI - Added: Amplitude seizure search method - Added: Seizure data resolution indicator - Added: Downsampling options on plots for spike preservation - Added: Seizure search/analyze over filtered data - Improved: Seizure analysis done in real time - Improved: Seizure search ~5x faster - Improved: 8401HS set TTL in Sleep Deprivation - Fixed: 8401, 8401HS configuration channel names saved - Fixed: Power data channels overwrite - Fixed: Sleep Deprivation power calculation - Fixed: Sleep Deprivation load/save rules and outputs 1.8.3 7/30/2018 _____________________________________ - Added: 8401, 8401HS support for EEG/EMG Accelerometer Preamp - Added: 8480 Wireless Opto LED pulse scheduling feature - Added: Device configuration export/import for Video cameras, 8206, 8401, 8401 HS - Fixed: Crash on opening large time-segmented files with BIO plots 1.8.2 7/2/2018 _____________________________________ - Fixed: Export to .AVI fixed for WebM-compressed files - Fixed: Sleep - Crash in Threshold Scoring in certain cases - Fixed: Feedback values not updating in certain cases - Fixed: Feedback Sleep Deprivation crash if a second baseline file is loaded - Improved: User frequency bands plot calculation and display in Feedback - Improved: Time Segmentation feature enabled with stability improvements - Added: 8480 OGIM LED pulse scheduling feature 1.8.1 5/23/18 _____________________________________ - Added: WebM video compression VP8 encoding - Fixed: 8266 Wireless EEG streaming - Fixed: RFID Connection to Feedback - Fixed: Feedback Pro bugfixes - Improved: Sleep Deprivation FFT sampling rate control - Updated: Time Segmentation feature disabled pending further tests 1.8.0 1/12/18 _____________________________________ - Added: Full Feedback Pro support (Licensed) - Added: Full Multi-animal tracking support (Licensed) - Added: Seizure - Save button to save database/comments at any time. - Added: Seizure - Scroll button on the found seizures list. - Added: Ability to combine annotations. - Added: Support for wireless optogenetics devices. - Added: Additional time options for time segmented recording. - Added: Acquisition - base accelerometer preamplifier support. - Fixed: Seizure - crash when jumping to and deleting annotations. - Fixed: Seizure - Analyze marked seizure dialog listed non-EEG/EMG channels. - Fixed: Seizure - Find all seizures save TSV did not include headers. - Fixed: Seizure, Sleep - Would not open time indexed files properly - Fixed: Seizure - Program hang when analyzing marked seizures on a non-viewable channel. - Fixed: Playback of video added from AVI files. - Fixed: Gridlines did not match ticks on bio plots - Fixed: Annotation time spans were not displaying correctly on annotation edit. - Fixed: Aquisition- 8401 preamp offset measurements could hang. - Fixed: Seizure - Select seizure display and highlight did not open/close correctly. - Fixed: Acquisition - 8401 and 8401HS Channel tabs could get out of order during setup. - Fixed: Acquisition - 8172 Channel 2 overload was not being handled correctly. - Improved: 9087 RFID module graphical user interface. - Improved: Annotation "locked" and "synchronous start/end" were not saved and loaded properly. - Improved: Overall stability and event logging. - Improved: Sleep Pro - underlying code update. - Improved: Heat map psuedo-color range [ minimum now defaults to black ]. 1.7.10 8/10/17 ______________________________________ - Updated: 9057-EN GUI improved for clarity - Added: 8401, 8401HS support for mouse 1bio 1ox, rat 2 bio preamps - Added: Seizure, Sleep - GUI options to dock/float video panel, adjust Next/Prev buttons' autorepeat time - Fixed: XY Tracking crash on importing tracking data - Fixed: EDF+ annotation loss on export - Fixed: Recorded video files in greyscale larger than necessary - Fixed: Annotation end times set incorrectly in certain circumstances - Fixed: Sleep - Imported .csv files assumed epoch size is 10 seconds 1.7.9 5/11/17 ______________________________________ - Updated: Seizure - Autorepeat enabled for Seizure Pro Next/Previous Buttons - Updated: Sleep - Support for EDF+ export. - Updated: Seizure - Lock video dock in Seizure Pro. - Updated: Seizure - Pause button removed from "Find All Seizures" dialog, progress bar cleared on completion. - Updated: If a recording is scheduled for > 12 hours in the future, verify with the user. - Updated: Removed warning when preferences database is read-only. - Updated: Several progress bars. - Updated: Annotation marker alpha channel defaults to 30%. - Updated: The 8401/8401HS tabs are now alphabetized. - Updated: Name changes for 8401/8401HS channels are now saved in the parameters list. - Updated: EDF+ export format now matches the EDF+ standard. - Updated: 8401HS Preamp Autozero - Updated: Video licenses are now enforced on "add camera". All possible inputs can be seen when selecting cameras. - Updated: Annotations from TTL inputs now only effect streams associated with the device generating the TTL input. - Added: Sleep - Option to export EDF without annotations. - Added: Group housing motor control support. - Added: Median filter for the 8172O2 Oxygen channel. - Added: Progress bar during consolidation. - Added: Custom gain entry for the 8206. - Added: Sleep - Save scores to EDF+ - Fixed: 8401HS changing a channel name in the GUI after streaming would break the stream. - Fixed: On export to AVI, end time was incorrect in the dialog - Fixed: Seizure - when saving line length analysis, the external file will now unlock. - Fixed: 9087 RFID Devices would not always stream on startup. - Fixed: Application crash when adding some webcams. - Fixed: 8 camera video license was not working. - Fixed: Enabling the autoscale checkbox during acquisition could cause a crash over time. - Fixed: Sleep - could not enter scores stored in csv format. - Fixed: Data would not stream from the 9057-EN in 1.7.8 1.7.8 ______________________________________ - Updated: Progress bar was dramatically slowing down a number of export and analysis functions. - Updated: Internal handling of datastreams. - Updated: Seizure - matched seizure table can no longer be edited. - Updated: Acquisition - hide unused options in the tools menu. - Added: Acquisition -USB, Bluetooth and Camera buttons disabled while recording. - Added: Seizure - Power export function - Added: Acquisition - support for the updated 7052 biosensor calibration stage. - Added: Acquisition - Simultaneous mode for the 8480 OGIM forces both LEDs to fire at once. - Added: Acquisition - Biphasic mode for the 8480 OGIM. - Added: Acquisition - an invert button for the 8172O2 Panel. - Added: Acquisition - 25 Hz bio sampling option for the 8401HS. - Fixed: 9085 TTL Monitor data will now display properly in Visualize. - Fixed: All text exports display the proper start/stop times in the header. - Fixed: On edit, annotations display the correct start/end times. - Fixed: Sleep - Bout analysis could shift in time if no bouts were found. - Fixed: Sleep - Prescreen for non-physical data points. - Fixed: Seizure - Seizure search (Pause/Cancel) no longer causes seizure to lock. - Fixed: Seizure - Remove seizure can now be cancelled. - Fixed: Seizure - Crash when jumping to/removing/editing annotations. - Fixed: Acquisition - 8401HS initial GUI settings now hold after pressing OK; lowpass is recalculated. - Fixed: Feedback - a bug that would cause sleep feedback analysis to fail depending on the order in which an 8401HS and 8480 were added. - Fixed: Acquisition - 8102N would not stream in Sirenia 1.7.7+ (firmware fix V 2.2.1). 1.7.7 _______________________________________ - Updated: Annotation export limit removed - Updated: 8401/8401HS preamp identification color coded - Updated: 8480 has power warnings for potentially unsafe configurations - Updated: Exporting to TSV in terms of experiment time - Updated: Stability for long-term recording - Updated: Seizure Pro interface - Updated: New firmware is checked before loading to device - Added: 9087 RFID support - Added: 9086 TTL Monitor input support - Added: Camera device parameters saved - Fixed: Sirenia Sleep video playback - Fixed: 8401HS 10 Hz data collection - Fixed: Annotations cannot cause visual shift in data - Fixed: Sirenia Visualize does not add invalid channels on file open 1.7.6 _______________________________________ - Updated: 9057_EN now supports a temp/rh sensor as well as the lux sensor - Updated: 9057-EN new firmware support. Note: 1.7.6 is not compatible with old 9057-EN firmware. - Updated: 9057-EN current operational mode (run, schedule, PC control) is now displayed. - Updated: 9480 support for new hardware. - Updated: 8401 support for Optogenetics preamps - Updated: Seizures can now be manually added an annotated as belonging to a given seizure type. - Updated: 8401, 8401HS for user configurations channels are now denoted CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 instead of "Default" - Added: 1000 Hz sampling option for the 8200, 8401, 8401HS - Added: Spacebar can now be used to play/pause video in Sleep/Seizure. - Added: Rising/Falling edge TTL support for the 9084 Instrumentation Interface. - Added: 8401, 8401HS support for new Optogenetics preamps (Opto_2EEG_1EMG_1Bio_ SL and SE configurations). - Added: New Sirenia diagnostic tool - Fixed: Seizure Analysis Save now saves the analysis summary data. - Fixed: For large numbers of points, the FFT could load down the CPU in Seizure. A limit is now be imposed by default (FFT options page). - Fixed: Seizure pro x-axis display - Fixed: Seizure pro Heatmap display - Fixed: Seizure Pro - Find all seizures can now be limited to one channel, and annotated on only that channel. - Fixed: Comments/Gridlines in Seizure and Sleep displaying on the wrong channels. - Fixed: 8480 was showing pulse train end at 2x the actual pulse train end. - Fixed: Export Playback to AVI will now export video data in both sleep an seizure. - Fixed: 8401-HS will now detect optogenetics preamps when the "Check Preamp" button is pressed. - Fixed: Export playback to AVI can now be cancelled at the codec gui, or from the progress bar. - Fixed: Seizure Span and Step now function and display correctly. - Fixed: Seizure selection is no longer offset in time. - Fixed: 8401 The 8406-SE3 preamp will now be detected properly. - Fixed: Acquisition - annotations display immediately on creation. - Fixed: Custom colors/gridline plot options work. - Fixed: Plots maintain size throughout image-saving. 1.7.5 _______________________________________ - Updated: Video acquisition speed improved. - Updated: 8401HS muxed preamp support - Updated: Acquisition - (Re)Setting Experiment number generates an "Are you sure?" prompt. - Updated: Acquisition NiDAQ - Indicate "NiDAQ" in title bar. - Updated: 'Cancel' option for file-open added to Preference Database is Locked dialog. - Added: Acquisition - Option to acquire video at maximum FPS supported by capture device. - Added: Plot grid keyboard scrolling: Left/Right Arrow, Home/End, Page Up/Down. - Added: Acquisition - Preferences Database cleanup action, accessible through Help menu. - Fixed: Acquisition - Switching camera type multiple times in the same setup dialog could cause application to hang. - Fixed: Acquisition - IP camera video stream would occasionally fail to connect. - Fixed: Acquisition - Camera settings and recording settings could be modified during acquisition. - Fixed: Acquisition - An empty experiment would be opened if a file was not chosen in open dialog. - Fixed: CGMS Analysis - About Dialog text was misaligned. - Fixed: Seizure/Sleep - Playback did not stop at end of experiment. - Fixed: Seizure - Jump to next/previous annotation, in pull-down menu, did not work. - Fixed: Sleep - Help->"Drop Out Test" crashed application if no file was open. - Fixed: Visualize - Playback combo box did not change playback speed. 1.7.4 _______________________________________ - Added: 9084 support. - Removed: WebM video compression. - Fixed: Acquisition - IP cameras did not use compression quality or interframe compression. - Fixed: Acquisition - Box/Dome cameras displayed FPS of video feed, instead of FPS of acquired video. - Fixed: Acquisition - Selecting Save/Print Image on a single plot created image using all plots. - Fixed: BIO plot grid did not properly update after zoom/pan. 1.7.3 _______________________________________ - Updated: Video acquisition and playback speed significantly improved. - Added: CGMS Acquisition: Calibrate on exit or entrance with an optional time offset. - Fixed: CGMS Acquisition: Annotations were not being saved unless record was pressed after invoking CGMS. - Fixed: An issue with the CGMS license handler. - Fixed: Visualize time grid issue affecting manual grids. - Fixed: Visualize bin was not displaying correctly. - Added: Rectangular cage definition to XY tracking. - Added: Exclusion region definition to XY tracking. - Fixed: On file open (Acquisition) the axes will now default to the time zone in which the data was collected. - Added: Default cropped view during xy tracking. - Added: Support for an oxygen version of the Model 9051. - Updated: 8401, 8401HS bias can now be set to negative values. - Added: Sleep Pro option to export only sleep/wake state. - Fixed: A bug that would cause multiple Bluetooth devices in the same experiment to save incorrectly. - Fixed: Seizure heat maps will now autoscale on open. 1.7.2 _______________________________________ - Updated: xy axis scales and grids - now produces consistent scales for all time units. - Updated: Chart save to image and print options. - Updated: 8401HS support - Added: 9051ER support - Updated: Acquisition - Sleep Deprivation Feedback to a more generic real-time feedback option. This will eventually lead to specific applications of real-time feedback based on analysis type. - Fixed: Apostrophes in any input field could cause database corruption. - Updated: 8480 Optogenetics Interface GUIs - Added: AVI export to Acquisition - Updated: AVI export handling to properly terminate when the 4GB AVI file limit is reached. - Fixed: An issue that would cause the camera selection control to freeze if no web, box or dome cameras are present - Updated: Changed the default camera compression to MJPG with interframe compression on. Updated general IP camera handling. - Fixed: IP cameras could crash if grayscale was selected. - Added: Setup parameter storage for the 8102N - Added: 8401HS TTL feedback support - Fixed: An issue that would cause Sirenia to hang up if video files stored separately were moved from the original directory. - Fixed: An issue with the 8480 that would cause a pulse train to fire on both the rising and falling edge of a feedback rule. 1.7.0 _______________________________________ - Fixed: Acquisition: A maximum of 20 annotations, during recording only, will be displayed to prevent running out of memory with infinite annotations. - Fixed: Opening 8400 files could cause annotations to be copied and doubled in the internal database. - Fixed: Display of 8400 file with annotations would double all existing annotations and display them. - Added: Acquisition: New compression method which reduces file sizes by a factor of 3 from the current method. - Added: Acquisition: Record separate files into Periodic chunks. A master file is created to keep track of every file. Sleep or seizure analysis must be performed on the separate periodic files. - Fixed: Deleting annotations from 8400 files and adding more could cause a crash. - Updated: Sleep Pro: The gridline display behavior has been changed. The Tools->Gridlines feature no longer toggles the gridline display, but sets all the gridlines if checked, and off otherwise. - Fixed: Sleep Pro: The Score Frequencies date and time may not change if the time frame of the experiment overlaps a month. - Updated: Sleep Pro: Resetting scores requires a confirmation before performing operation. - Added: visualization as part of the distribution - Known Bug: If video files are saved separately and then moved to a new directory, Sirenia will hang - Known Bug: IP cameras can crash if grayscale is selected - Known Bug: IP cameras will not save correctly if the files are recorded in separate blocks by time (i.e. 12 hour sections). 1.6.5 _______________________________________ - Fixed: XY Tracking: The offline motion tracking progress bar now reports the proper time. - Fixed: XY Tracking: Online motion tracking will create XY data that can be exported properly to EDF. - Fixed: XY Tracking: Reducing the physical cage size bug causing a crash when tracking from a video file has been fixed. 1.6.4 _______________________________________ - Fixed: Acquisition: Quick Key Annotations were not unique. Altering one altered all of them. - Fixed: PAL 8400 Conversion: Annotations now import properly. 1.6.3 _______________________________________ - Acquisition: Recording with XY Tracking enabled would show an error message about not being able to create the file. - Update: Removed the requirement for needing a license to extract data by markers. 1.6.2 _______________________________________ Fixed a display bug in long term recordings. 1.6.1 _______________________________________ - Updated: Seizure Pro: The line length tool now only displays EEG/EMG channel types as options. - Added: Acquisition: Comments can now be added using the Ctrl-t keys, typing the comment, then pressing enter. - Fixed: Acquisition: Comments no longer are completely loaded when opening a file. This could result in running out of memory for files with 1000s of comments. - Added: Markers/annotations colors can now be changed. Each type can be set to a different color. - Updated: Seizure/Sleep: The annotation toolbar was changed to look the same in all Sirenia applications. - Updated: Screen captures were updated to increase the size of the window before getting the screen shot. - Updated: Default image format when saving is PNG. - Updated: TSV exports give a warning when exporting large numbers of samples. - Fixed: Sleep Pro: Generating power used to require that the file was closed and reopened before using the data. This has been fixed. - Fixed: Acquisition: Bug with acquiring NiDAQ data at high data rate fixed. 1.6.0 _______________________________________ - Added: Dongle Security Support. Licensed can now be loaded from a USB dongle. - Added: Visualize: Time Scrollbar with Annotations - Added: Visualize: Filter Line that appears on top of raw data. - Added: Acquisition: Annotation can now be added directly from the toolbar. - Added: Acquisition: A new short cut key (Ctrl-T) was added for bringing up the annotation menu. - Updated: Acqusition: Ni-DAQ support has been modified to use Analog In tasks rather than channels which now allows reading multiple analog in channels from a single Ni-DAQ device. - Updated: Acquisition: The quick key annotation gui has been updated and moved to the tool bar. - Updated: Acquisition: Video display panels now allow hiding of the parameters to allow more screen for the video frame. - Fixed: Acquisition: The location of the file when first opened would sometimes be a random spot within the file. This is now fixed to open to the beginning of a file. 1.5.0 _______________________________________ - Module "XY Tracking" Added into the release 1.4.2 _______________________________________ - Fixed: Acquisition: The "Add Bluetooth" button could crash the system after selecting a bluetooth device. - Fixed: Sleep Pro: Score comparisons could crash when comparing scores with times that are offset. - Fixed: Visualization: Put comments back in the display and removed the duplicate comment display. 1.4.1 _______________________________________ - Changed: Acquistion: 8401 HS: Highest data rate reduced to 20kHz. - Added: 2, 5, and 24 hour viewing to sleep and seizure - Changed: Acquisition: Changed the add LE icon to be a bluetooth button and add pod to be add USB - Updated: Changed the USB Parser to be more predictive to speed up communications - Moved: Sleep & Seizure: Custom Plot to Visualize and gave it it's own menu entry - Updated: Acquisition: Reduced delays in displaying/recording data. - Updated: Acquisition: Added 'Camera' to 'Add' Button that adds a camera. - Added: Visualize: Ability to open multiple file on the same plot (time is correct` for each file) - Updated: Visualize: No longer default opens all files. - Updated: Acquisition: Grey scale added to HD/IP Cameras 1.4.0 _______________________________________ - Fixed: Measure Bio Offsets: Now displays for all channels and reset the display. - Fixed: Sleep Pro: Score Frequency Save visible will now save correctly if a score is missing. - Added: A Title Entry to Custom Plot - Added: New Video Card support that supports 640x480 x4 streams at 29.97 - Added: 8401 HS support at 30kHz - Fixed: Acquisition: 8401: Setting Bias on BIO channels after initial setup screen - Added: New 8102N Support 1.3.4 _______________________________________ - Fixed: a bug that was causing 8162s in 10 sample per second mode to fail - Fixed: Sleep Deprivation Bug on reviewing the auto-generated rules. - Improved: Decreased load time on video streams - Improved: Closely spaced comments will no longer overwrite in bio plot mode - Fixed: Sleep Deprivation: Schedules with duration less then 10s will now run consistantly. - Added: Floating data panels (video, spectral, heat) will now export to video on top of the main window. - Fixed: Seizure Pro: Saving image now also saves the spectral and heat maps. - Fixed: 8206 TTL Output with Sleep Deprivation now works correctly. - Added: 8102 conditioning command - Fixed: Rat SE2 2Bio preamplifier channels were not being correctly identified. - Fixed: Crash on export TSV when the comment was too long - Added: Annotations in export EDF - Previously not added. - Added: Video Capture support for RGB565 video formats. - Added: Frame Rate Calculator - Improved: Seizure Pro: Display sig fig to 6 decimal places for smaller power seizures - Added Seizure Pro: Can select channels to search for seizures. - Improved: Seizure Pro: Labels on the saved seizures review plot. - Improved: Seizure and Sleep filters are now saved and loaded 1.3.3 _______________________________________ - Update: Changed the position and behavior of "Bio Reset" it is now near the top of the right click menu and it autoscales correctly. - Added: Export Video to AVI has a frame rate setting. - Fixed: Consolidate with Line Length data no longer throws an error. - Added: 8164 subQ potentiostat support - Fixed: Sleep deprivation no longer locks up in Acquisition without a datastream providing data. - Added: Seizure Pro: Channel now added to the table of results. - Fixed: Sleep Pro: Saving the score power dialog was off by one, no longer exports 0's for wake. - Update: Sleep Pro: Score Frequency Power now shows times instead of interval number. - Fixed: Playback into Video is now at a normal rate. - Fixed: Consolidate/Extract of video channels was not viewable in the new file. 1.3.2 _______________________________________ - Added: Export to Video added to Siezure. - Bug Fix: Setting threshold ranges on any Sleep Rules appears to have broken at some point this was corrected here. - Added: RT Sleep Deprivation: Added a test pulse train button for manual testing of the setup pulse. - Added: Support for the newest 8173 revision - Bug Fix: 8401 bio preamplifier autozero now works, and zeros all bio channels. - Modification: Scales, Grids, labels and Ticks were improved for all plots - Modification: Plot on screen distribution was improved to simplify viewing. - Update: Manual Axis adjust was changed to a right click option - Bug Fix: Annotations no longer duplicate when moving them. - Bug Fix: Automatically save after writing an annotation in sleep and seizure. - Bug Fix: Fixed consolidation of PAL 8400 files error with video data. - Added: Warnings when attempting to consolidate a file but the specified time range is outside the experiment. - Removed: Option for an 8206 to act as a system clock - Added: Improved input timing for the 9050 master clock when used as a system clock. Master clock now defaults to be the system clock if present. - Added: Acquisition: Ability to jump to the next annotation, selectable by type. - Bug Fix: 8406 SE4 Preamp was incorrectly identifying as an SL - fixed. - Added: New Beta video compression scheme that uses differences from consecutive frames to improve compression by a factor of about 3 times. - Bug Fix: The arrows on the bias control on the 8401 Settings panel did not modify the value. - Added: Line length data files were added to the consolidation window to allow consolidating of these files. 1.3.1 _______________________________________ - Bug Fix: Seizure Pro: Find seizuire by no longer crashes, removed OpenMP - Bug Fix: Sleep Pro: Cluster Scoring worked, removed glu32. - Bug Fix: Crash in Seizure with find all seizures via power. - Bug Fix: Bout Analysis: Change in start time no longer returns all 0's 1.3.0 _______________________________________ - Bug Fix: Fix export TSV on data larger than 1 second. In particular 4s power data. - Added: Master Clock GUI support. - Changed: Power Analysis Generation - removed a final square root in band calculation. - Updated: Bluetooth device support 8172, 8173, 9051 - Updated: 8401 TTL input timing - Changed: Simplified Seizure Pro Menu Options - Added: Gordon's Matlab File support. - Updated: EDF file reading now faster on larger views by sampling at intervals instead of a full display of all points. - Added: EEG/EMG viewing in Custom Plot (was pending on EDF file correction above) - Fixed: Export TSV: Used to leave the NAN and IND000, now replaced with a blank string instead. 1.2.3 _______________________________________ - Updated: Changed to separate installers for all three software packages: Acquisition, Sleep and Seizure. - Updated: Acquisition: Data rate calculation changed to account for times when devices are reset. - Bug Fix: Acquisition: Cleaning up of mutexes properly removes a memory leak. - Bug Fix: Acquisition: Bad data points could cause a deadlock by not closing a mutex properly. - Updated: Database handling of annotations modified to improve efficiency by passing arrays rather than creating new ones and using the copy constructor. - Added: Additional options were added when opening a file that is locked for editing. The user may now choose to ignore, delete, open in read-only mode, and retry opening the file normally. - Updated: Changed the naming convention for lock files. The new convention is the file name with a ".LOCK" at the end. - Added: Seizure Pro - Find Annotations, Analysis Annotation, Store Annotations, Power Analysis, etc. - Added: Parameters to Annotations - Used by Seizure Pro. 1.2.2 _______________________________________ - Updated: Acquisition: Power EEG and Power EMG channels will no longer open in Acquisition - Updated: Video tracking control: Added min contour points as part of ellipse estimation controls - Updated: Added Ellipse data stream types for video tracking - Added: Custom Plots now allow for binning and 1st and 2nd order derivatives. - Updated: Custom Plots: Time Tracker display. - Added: 8401: Can adjust ms settings of debounce - Added: Master Clock: TTL Input Event Settngs. - Added: Bluetooth LE Devices: Now reconnect after battery replacement. - Bug Fix: Acquisition: Default channel for BIO plots when adding an annotation is now the All Channel. - Bug Fix: Acquisition Viewer: Some data files did not open to the beginning of the file. This was fixed. - Updated: Acquisition and Sleep Pro: Default time format for the scroll bar is changed to Time Zone with the appropriate time zone and daylight savings. - Added: Lock file created to disallow editing of a file the is currently being created or viewed by one of the programs. - Updated: Acquisition viewer: Changed the right click menu layout to reduce items visible at one time. - Updated: Acquisition: Changed title bar background color of experiments that are recording to red. Title displays '- Recording'. - Updated: Acquisition Viewer: Changed title bar background color of read only files to yellow for easy identification. Title displays '- Read Only'. - Updated: Acquisition Viewer: BIO plots now display the legend by default. - Updated: Acquisition: Zooming or changing the y-axis causes the auto y scale action to turn off. - Updated: Annotations are locked in their position be default. To drag the annotations, right click the object and unselect the Lock option. - Updated: Added more locks to improve reliability of saving the database in PVFS files. - Updated: Consolidation of files that are not already open will be opened in read-only. 1.2.1 _______________________________________ - Bug Fix: Consolidation of 8400 multipart video files no longer stalls when switching from one file to another. - Bug Fix: 2xEEG 2xBIO Preamp configuration contained channels in the incorrect order. - Updated: 3xEEG 2xBIO Preamp configuration added. - Updated: Bio delta measurement default output filename changed from *.txt to *.tsv. Allows excel to open by double clicking - Updated: Bio delta measurement user preference added for the default filename. The preference is changed when the output file name changes. - Updated: Rudimentary 8172 support 1.2.0 _______________________________________ - Bug Fix: Sleep Pro: Score comparison expert user compared to non-expert user was backwards. - Bug Fix: Corrupt video data could cause the viewer to crash. The viewer now looks for bad data in the file before attempting to extract video. - Updated: Sleep Pro and Seizure: Playback speed and smoothness improved - Updated: Changed the locking mechanism for PVFS files. Should result in safer operation of files - Updated: Updated Windows file associations so it recognizes .pvfs files. Opens in Acquisition by default. Added right click options for opening in sleep and seizure. - Bug Fix: Flushing database during acquisition could potentially corrupt the file. Extra lock added to prevent corruption. - Bug Fix: Acquisition: EEGx2 EMG 2 Bio and EEGx3 Biox2 preamps are now recognized properly. - Updated: Changed text drawing to use texture map fonts to improve speed of displaying text and playback in Sleep when viewing the overlay. 1.1.1 _______________________________________ - Added: Create new score database for purposes of keeping scores and data files separated as required by user. - Added: Import scores from database. - Added: 8401: Now with 250 and 500 desired sample rate. Defaults to 2000 sample rate for system sample rate. - Added: Sleep Pro: Options for FFT settings. - Updated: Sped up the display of the x,y or y,t datasets. - Added: Exporting from PAL 8200 EDF to Sleep Sign EDFs. - Added: Overlay on plots to displya x,y coordinates. - Added: BIO Delta measurement - Bug Fix: Sleep Pro: Threshold analysis using an external file is fixed - Updated: Improved the tool tips for displaying the position of the mouse on the plots - Updated: Aquisition: Set asynchronous writing of files - Updated: Sleep Pro: Improved the help text tool tips - Updated: Sleep Pro: Improved score overlay on power panel - Bug Fix: Acquisition: The experiment comments are saved every time a flush occurs. This allows consolidation to store this information even while the experiment is being recorded. - Bug Fix: Sleep Pro: Export to TSV would sometimes export all channels regardless of selection. 1.1.0 _______________________________________ - Bug Fix: Sleep Pro: Power Analysis scale of calculation fixed. - Added: Sleep Pro: Analyzed power values can be used in the threshold settings. - Changed: Sleep Pro: EMG power is now different from EEG power bands. - Changed: Icon Colors: Sleep is now blue, Seizure is now green. - Bug Fix: Fixed default naming of "Export" file from Consolidation/Extract window. - Bug Fix: Sleep Pro: Viewing large timespans could cause a crash in the heat map display. - Updated: Sleep Pro: Scoring sessions names now include the scoring session number to differentiate between sessions from the same user. - Updated: Sleep Pro: The day selection drop down box was increased in size so the day would not be cut off. - Changed: Sleep Pro: Bout Analysis: Re-layed-out the dialog to make plots fix on smaller computer screens. - Added: Sleep: Added a way to hide the dividing lines of the score values. - Changed: Sleep Pro: Threshold Scoring: The rules now remember the last view of the line data. - Changed: Sleep Pro: Export Power and Scores: Added score values to the parameters. - Added: Sleep Pro: Bout Analysis: Added Sleep bout analysis in addition to orginal values. - Added: Sleep Pro: User Comparison: Added Labels for agreement on the scores between users. 1.0.4 _______________________________________ - Bug Fix: Go to next/previous annotation now will move to any annotation. - Updated: Aquisition now places non-bio channels in alphabetical order. - Updated: Consolidation/Extract now allows choosing a time segment based on duration. - Changed: Sleep Pro: Bout Analysis panel reworked to include days with light dark cycles. - Added: Nummerous Tool Tips to the GUI. - Added: More line display options: Fill to Zero, Lines to Zero, Step, and Fill Step to Zero. - Changed: Sleep Dep: Added LEDs to help with the display of which rule is being used. - Changed: Sleep Pro: Bout Analysis save image uses the proper rescaling dialog. - Changed: Sleep Pro: Bout Analysis can print all data to one large file. - Changed: Sleep Pro: Score Comparison now labelled Expert. - Bug Fix: Sleep Pro: Bout Analysis: Fixed recalculation of data where it did not clear the ALL section. - Added: Sleep Pro: Threshold Scoring. - Added: Channel Information: Can not change the channel settings. - Bug Fix: NiDAQ range of values for exporting. - Changed: Dynamic Splash and About for displaying paid features of the software. - Added: Scheduler for starting and stopping recording of experiments. - Added: Sleep Dep: Pulse Trains during sleep detection. - Bug Fix: Sleep Pro: Can now generate multiple power analysis channels in the same file without causing crashes or odd behaviour. 1.0.3 _______________________________________ - Changed: The "Consolidate Experiment" feature has been changed to "Consolidate/Extract Data" and now includes many more options for splitting files into smaller chunks. - Added: The consolidation/extraction feature is now available from all packages: Acquisition, Seizure, and Sleep. - Added: New LoC Board support. - Bug Fix: Sleep Deprivation: Pulse TTL now works properly. - Added: 8401 TTL's produce annotations. - Added: Support for 8401 - 3 EEG/2 BIO preamp - Changed: 8401 Set Bio Offset Wizard is now easier to follow. - Added: Export sections of data. - Fixed: Loading firmware to unidentified hardware. Still does not work for legacy devices. - Updated: 8700 Device support, more control options for new board design. - Changed: Legend now automatically chooses correct white or black X for showing not used. - Bug Fix: The device parameters display for 8401 devices caused a crash. This has been fixed. - Updated: Custom plot uses a separate y-axis for each line allowing all lines to be moved freely. - Bug Fix: When editing annotations in Acquisition, not all channels would show up. - Update: Fixing save image to grab entire application. - Added: Acquisition now frequently saves changes when viewing files so that changes are not lost if the computer crashes. - BugFix: Fixed picking tool so that it would not grab and move random annotations. - Update: EDF export has been updated in order to begin fixing issue with exporting from a NI-DAQ device. - Update: Export to AVI has been improved to save the entire application frame. 1.0.2 _______________________________________ - Updated: Score Advanced: User Score Comparison added more statistics and plots. - Bug Fix: Score Advanced: Bout Analysis, last bout, minor algorithm tweaks. - Added: Score Advanced: Frequency Analysis - Changed: Missing license message. Provides more options. - Bug Fix: Entering a license now forces a maximum string of licnese length. - Bug Fix: Graphs did not always save what was displayed - Fixed. - Changed: Picking Tool: Defaulted to all plots, unless otherwise noted. - Changed: Picking Tool: Can now grab and move the plot if nothing is picked. - Changed: Picking Tool: Uses the mouse wheel for zoom in and zoom out, selectable by CTRL and SHIFT keys. - Added: Score Advanced: Custom Plots. - Bug Fix: Changed axises such that decimal values can be entered. Now updates when enter is pressed, not as values are typed. - Bug Fix: Aligned scores imported from externally scored files. Previously object did not center, including the current epoch overlay. - Bug Fix: Notch filter no longer causes an inversion in the data. - Changed: Sleep Deprivation: New rule automatically selects Sleep instead of artifact. - Added: Seizure Video: Added "Add Video" to an open file. - Added: Seizure: Added a jump to time point option. - Added: 8700 injection timers. - Bug Fix: 8400 control panel has more pre-amp options. - Added: 8102 analog output control added. - Added: Default action on schedules. - Bug Fix: Sleep Advanced: Custom plot no longer causes crashes on closing a file. - Changed: Video Capture stores last used paramters. 1.0.1 _______________________________________ - Updated: Export 8200 Dialog now forces use of exporting 3 channels. - Updated: Sleep Deprivation: Editing rules name changes in the list. Real time updates for rules work Fail Safe displays properly in the output tab. Better filtering. - Added: Print and Save Image to the File menu of Sleep and Seizure. - Fixed: Video window disappears after closing a file. - Fixed: Sleep Bout Analysis. - Changed: Error message on power analysis when not using a pvfs file. - Added: Sleep Score: User Score Comparison. - Changed: 1st time showing delta measurements has them automatically center. - Added: Reset Bio Display in Acquisition to display the entire BIO displays. Added in toolbar and right-click menu. - Bug Fix: Multiple file experiments are no longer forced into a single folder despite attepting to save files in separate files. - Bug Fix: Video channels are forced to have unique channel names 1.0.0 _______________________________________ Changed: Disabled hardware settings viewing from file because it can cause a crash. Beta 22.0 _______________________________________ - Changed: Reset display for bio plots in Acquisition also autoscales the Y axis. - Changed: Disabled the pause functionality of Acquisition. - Changed: The info tab in Acquisition now always lists absolute paths to files and changes the current working directory so that the same directory is shown on the browse for files. - Changed: During acquisition, a zoom on the x-axis for bio plots will no longer grow the plot time. - Bug Fix: Annotations can now be moved with the mouse without moving other annotations. Beta 21.1 _______________________________________ - Changed: Delta Time now scrolls along with the data. - Changed: Time scrollbar in Seizure and Sleep now displays the Center Time instead of Left Time. - Bug Fix: Broke playback in acquisition for 21.0, is now working. - Bug Fix: Licensing work a little bit better now. Beta 21.0 _______________________________________ - Updated: Sleep Deprivation. Now can save/load rules. Can use live data streams as rule input. - Chnaged: Disk space display now on scroll panel. Beta 20.0 _______________________________________ - Added: Can now save video in grayscale which will significantly reduce the size of saved video - Added: Can save images to a specified size based on pixels or the required size in inches with a desired DPI - Added: The device settings are now saved and are displayed when opening a PVFS experiment - Changed: Saving screen shots for sleep and seizure now ask for dpi and size parameters. - Changed: Pick tool for sleep and seizure is the forced default. - Changed: Icons - Changed: Sleep Dep can now work using live channels, instead of requiring a baseline file. - Changed: Disk space remaining display. - Bug Fix: Record All button is disabled when recording to prevent the program from crashing - Bug Fix: Units are now read correctly from 8400 directories. - Bug Fix: Export 8100 was missing the annotations from the specific channels annotations. - Bug Fix: Disabled video controls once the experiment has started - Bug Fix: Fixed the dragging of annotations in Acquisition when viewing an experiment - Bug Fix: Fixed the 8151P GUI when setting a 8151 to use just one channel. - Bug Fix: Fixed the 8151P GUI for displaying/setting the ID of the 8151 to communicate with. Beta 19.2 _______________________________________ - Bug Fix: Large files (greater than 2 GB) would not open properly (usually video files). Now opens properly. - Added: Added a layer of cache to improve viewing speed of data in acquisition - Bug Fix: Quality setting of video had no effect, always used default of 100. This caused video to be large. Now data recorded at a quality of 70-80 will be significantly smaller. Beta 19.1 _______________________________________ - Changed: Video storage to greatly reduce file size - Changed: Better caching of data to aid in the display of large data windows. - Bug Fix: Large files (greater than 2 GB) would not open properly (usually video files). - Bug Fix: Quality setting of video had no effect, resulting in value of 100. This caused video to be large. Beta 18.2 ---------------------------------------- - Added: Spectral Plots to Paid Seizure and Sleep - Added: Heat Maps to Paid Seizure and Sleep - Added: XY Tracking to Paid Seizure and Sleep - Changed: Video Capture frame rate defaults to 10 fps. - Changed; Disk Space indicator now shows all harddrives available to the computer. - Bug Fix: Video Capture now full size. Beta 18.0 ---------------------------------------- - Added: Acq: 8127 Programmer Support - Changed: Sleep: Power Analysis defaults the external file to the current directory. - Changed: Export Video defaults output location to the current directory. - Changed: Acq: Can change the id/serial number of 8106's - Changed: Now have contact screens for pay features, instead of greyed out buttons. - Changed: Y Labels are now spaced a bit from the Axis label. - Changed: Reduced number of decimal places on the plots. - Changed: Disk Space Indicator now shows all drive letters, and is shorter. - Bug Fix: Changed the picking so that it is easier to move items around on the plots. - Bug Fix: Sleep/Seizure: Position for plots fixed. - Bug Fix: Sleep: Show Grid Lines does works from the menu. - Bug Fix: Export EDF not does show extra ghost channels. - Bug Fix: Sleep: Power Analysis is not very clean, requires too many pushing of the clear and refresh channels to keep it clean. - Bug Fix: Sleep/Seizure: Removed extra Help Menu items like "Test". - Bug Fix: Acq: 8106 now reports the over/under range data as data loss instead of spikes. - Bug Fix: Export TSV no longer attempts to export video to tsv and crash. - Bug Fix: Legend shows BIO lines during acquisiton - Bug Fix: The bio plots auto scale on start up - no extra space at the end Beta 17.3 ---------------------------------------- - Added: CPU Usage and Disk Usage indicators. - Added: Can toggle the sync line on seizure and sleep - Added: Add 1s, 2s, 5s. - Changed: Now display the location of exports from ALL "Export To" dialogs. - Changed: Set default min length of seizure to 3 minutes. - Bug Fix: Camera resolution now changes camera resolution - Bug Fix: Camera quality now changes camera quality - Bug Fix: Camera target frame rate adjust frame rate of saved data. - Bug Fix: Add Video on info page now checks for licenses. - Bug Fix: Pod list does not crash when pressing select when there is no device selected. - Bug Fix: Fixed the "All Record" button for acquisition. Beta 17.2 ---------------------------------------- - Added: Acquistiion can now open EDF files. - Added: Plot range slider to Sleep and Seizure. - Added: Can select to show a red line for lost data packets or a gap. Defaults to a gap. - Changed: All time formats default to 24 hour time with an method for adjusting to 12 hour with am/pm. - Bug Fix: 8401 highpass filter on the setting page now sets value after change. - Bug Fix: Working directory for exports updates to the last opened file's directory. - Install Fix: Full install now waits for NiDAQ drivers to finish installing. Beta 17.1 ---------------------------------------- - Added: Sleep: Current Epoch Indicator - Adjusted: Autoscaling plots now rounds to nearest inclusive sig-fig. - Bug Fix: Plot Y Labels no longer overlap as plot shrinks in size. - Bug Fix: Filter controls now fit in area to the left of the plot. - Bug Fix: Entering numbers past the decimal point on the y axis would not allow continued typing. - Bug Fix: 8401 ground control control work. - Bug Fix: 8401 4x BIO offsets work. - Bug Fix: 8401 quick filter settings work. - Bug Fix: Close All now works in acquisition. Beta 17.0 ---------------------------------------- - Added: NiDAQ Support - Added: Using 8401 clock as the experiment clock - Added: Using 8206 clock as the experiment clock - Added: Capturing playback from seizure into an avi. - Added: Capturing playback data from score into an avi. - Bug Fix: Removed installer warning Beta 16 ---------------------------------------- Seizure shows video. PVFS updates for speed. Sleep Bout Analysis Display updates for speed. Seizure Line Length Added. Bug Fix: Annotations display in Seizure and Sleep Bug Fix: Video display in Seizure. Beta 15 ---------------------------------------- Created the changed log.